Thursday, May 16, 2013

What comes first? The house or the baby.

Yesterday was our first time house hunting in over two months. We were hoping that the market had changed a little bit and that homes might be a bit more appealing. 

Out of the five houses we viewed yesterday, we found one that had some great space and character. What it didn't have was a fourth bedroom. 

Despite not knowing where everything is going, we put a bid on it anyway. We were getting tired of having to account for the what ifs. What if we have a kid in the next 5 years? What if my mom decides to move in? What if we have everyone and their brother over? 

That's a lot of what ifs. I can see accounting for room to grow into a home, but it's hard to project what your life will be like 5-8 years down the road. If we're on this train of thought, why don't we just try and find a super expensive 7-bedroom house to accommodate everyone? Sound a little irrational?

What the house lacks in bedroom space, it makes up for in living space. 

  • A great family/entertainment room with lots of built-in bookshelves and a full bar. 
  • A sun room that we're hoping to make our office. 
  • A formal dining room that will be our temporary office, since we don't have a dining room table.
  • A kitchen that just needs new appliances and cabinet doors.
  • A larger deck that can fit nice patio furniture, that over looks a nice yard and a dedicated gardening space.
We won't be outgrowing this home anytime soon. 
Bid #4. Fingers crossed.

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