Friday, November 1, 2013


"We can't. It's too late to save the front yard…"

This past Sunday, Troy decided that today was THE day to seed our back yard, whether we liked it or not. The weather was perfect, and we absolutely could not put it off until next weekend after payday.

So a bag of seed, a borrowed seed spreader and a rototiller rental later, we have a newly-seeded, fingers-crossed-for-grass, back yard. This was made possible by three hours of raking years of dead leaves, pine straw and mulch from the previous owners. We had 17 bags worth of lawn waste.

I know everyone says that pine straw is cheaper, but unless you have actual pine trees, it looks like you haven't raked in 10 years. At least mulch looks intentional.

I also cleaned out the front flower beds; and this week, am prepping to winterize what hydrangeas we have left. I like to think I know more about gardening that the average 28-year-old, but I still have a lot to figure out. It may just have to wait until Spring when I can start from scratch.

Spring will bring new paver stones for the flower beds, the end of the ivy overgrowth and fewer trees shading our area. 

Reminds me that we eventually need to repaint the deck and exterior siding...
Another thing off of our ever-growing checklist is cabinet pulls for the kitchen. We can now open our cabinets and drawers like normal people.

November will focus back to the inside of the house. We'll be getting the house ready for the holidays, as well as a bridal shower for February. 

We'll be repainting the Master Bedroom and the sink cabinets for both guest bathrooms. Also we're framing all of the art we've collected and finally finishing the office gallery walls.