Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November, December, January...

For the first time since moving into this house, I went into our attic/crawlspace. It's not so bad, but I definitely won't be converting it into a lounge anytime soon.

November is always my busiest travel time, so the items on our project list are mostly small chores. Except this one:

One sleepless night, all i could think about is repurposing our extra bedroom. Right now it's being used as all-purpose storage and the home of our ironing board. The closet is half the size of the other closets in the house. Turning this space into a walk-in closet room definitely piques my interest.

Don't get me wrong. I definitely don't have enough of a wardrobe to warrant a closet room. However, I like the idea that everything has it's own place. 

My official November project is shelf styling and art. With some of our bigger art now framed and our photo shelves up, I've been rearranging our knick knacks and decor. I've been collecting prints and fun things from my travels and it's nice to have somewhere to display them.  

There are still some blank spots, but we have plenty more travels ahead and a few more things to frame.